» Do your job.
Do your job.
Posted on December 2nd, 2011 in life

dear eyelashes - do your job

As someone who relies on a Magic 8 Ball app to make my life decisions, it’s no surprise that I’m all about this wishful thinking crap.

And so today at 11:11, instead of wishing my usual wish that I won’t mention (partly because it won’t come true if I do, but mostly because it’s frowned upon), I wished for the speedy recovery of my best friend’s dad who suffered a heart attack and had quadruple bypass surgery yesterday. And for a miracle to happen for my mom’s sister who is back in the hospital and losing her battle with lung cancer.

This week was def a reminder that life is short.


  1. Jessie was all like...

    I can’t thank u enough for your kind words and especially for your friendship Mayan! I love u dearly! And yes, let’s not mention that wish bc then it won’t come true 😉

    December 3rd, 2011 | #

  2. mayan was all like...

    thanks for your support through my aunt’s passing, too… i’ll let you know what time the services are later this week.

    love you, booberry ♥

    December 7th, 2011 | #

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