» Dropping buttons like Galileo dropped the orange.
Dropping buttons like Galileo dropped the orange.
Posted on November 28th, 2006 in Uncategorized

I got a surprising amount of orders this past week from sororities, so I spent my Sunday in front of the tube making buttons. I wasn’t really paying attention. It was mostly just background noise as I worked. By the time I was finished filling orders, I realized that I watched “The Wedding Planner,” “The Wedding Singer” and “My Best Friend’s Wedding.” I also just finished reading this fictional wedding-themed book on Saturday called “Something Borrowed” (so fucking awesome that I read it in one day) and started reading its sequel, “Something Blue.” I saw the first book at Borders and snagged it because I liked the cover. Anyway, this whole weekend has been an ugly reminder that I am straight spinster status. I always spend Thanksgiving with my mom’s sisters and my cousins who are all around my age, but this year a lot of my cousins weren’t there because they were spending Thanksgiving with their husband’s slash baby’s daddy’s side of the family… and my cousins who WERE there were there with their significant others… even my younger cousins. So sad.

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